Wade Bootes



Date of Birth: 05 /30/ 74

Hometown: Huntington Beach California / Sydney Australia

Who are your sponsors? Trek/ Volkswagen, Oneal, THE, AC, Oakley, Vans, Marwi, Bombshell, ATI, Headlock, Champion Nutrition, Powerbar, bmxpros.com

Do you have a girlfriend? I date, but no steady girl as of yet.

When did you start to race Mountainbikes? I first raced a few Duals in1998. In 1999 Trek made the commitment to send me to all the Norba that I wanted to do, and 2000 was my first full year of Norba and World Cups.

What did you do before?  I raced BMX from 1981

What was your biggest success so far? Winning both the 2000 MTB Dual World Champion and the ABA BMX  National AA Pro championship.

How do you train for the races? Training involves, Gym, Sprints, Plyometric, gates, trails and a lot of rest. Having fun while doing all of that is important too.

Who do youtrain with? Robert MacPherson, We helped each other a lot this past year.

What are you doing when you are not riding your bike? Watching a movie or at the beach, rest is a big part of my life.

What will you do in the winter?  I will be in Australia  relaxing and catching up with family until Feb, so I really don't have a winter this year.

Describe what it is like to race Dual!? Dual is a lot of strategy, it is only you and one other rider so you need to know how that rider rides.  It is fun and fast, that's why I like it so much.

What is the biggest different between BMX and moutainbike racing? Not to much as it is all about power and skills, all is different is the bikes.  And you don't have to spend 14 hours at any Dual races.


What is the biggest different between the USA and Australia?  I can make a living racing in America. America is the land of opportunity you know.

Describe a normal day in your life?! I get up around 8:30am, answer e-mails and any housework,  train around 10 am. Then ill have lunch. rest a little and then train again about 5pm. relax have dinner, watch a little TV and go to bed.  

What should be changed in the USA and at the  World Cup? The main thing that need to change is a set of rules, there are a lot of gray areas, other than that I am fine with everything. Make the courses longer wider, bigger for more passing and exciting racing.

What are your goals for 2001? To be on the Podium at every race.

Last words: I would like to thank all the people who have helped me out during the year. The trek staff, all of my sponsors, Trek/ Volkswagen, Double A Marketing, Oneal, THE, AC, Oakley, Vans, Marwi, Bombshell, ATI, Headlock, Champion Nutrition, Powerbar, bmxpros.com, and any fans who gave me support and follow my career on www.wadebootes.com. Thanks!


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